Veterans' Affairs
Veterans' Affairs
At Drake University we are proud to serve the brave men and women who serve for us. Whether you are on active duty, just finished your tour, or are a member of the National Guard or Reserve — we are here to help!
Your VA Benefits, for you or your spouse or dependent(s), can be used with all of Drake's degree programs (campus, online, and hybrid). So that means you can choose from more than 140 majors in six colleges and schools. With so many options, it will be a breeze to find your niche.
- College of Arts and Sciences
- Zimpleman College of Business
- School of Education
- School of Journalism and Mass Communication
- College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
- Law School
Drake University is a CHAMPS campus, a Military Friendly School, and a member of the Yellow Ribbon Program. Read more about each distinction below.
CHAMPS Partner:
Drake is a Home Base IowaCHAMPs campus. The Home Base Iowa CHAMPS (Certified Higher Academic Military Partner) program serves to promote Iowa as the premier destination for veterans and their families who are looking to further their education.
This membership serves as recognition of Drake's dedication to providing veterans with assistance transitioning to higher education, access to on-campus support resources, and scholarships or other veterans benefits for student-veterans and their families.
Military Friendly School
Drake University has been designated a military friendly school by Viqtory. This is the seventh consecutive year the University has earned this designation.
Viqtory annually measures how well an institution’s military recruiting program performs, including academic policies and compliance, admissions and orientation, culture and commitment, financial aid and assistance, graduation and career, and military student support and retention.
Read more about this designation
Yellow Ribbon Program
Institutions of higher learning must enter into an agreement with the VA each year concerning participation in the Yellow Ribbon Program. Drake University elected to join the Yellow Ribbon Program (officially the Yellow Ribbon G.I. Education Enhancement Program of the Post 9/11 GI Bill®) beginning in August 2009. Institutions that enter into a Yellow Ribbon Agreement with the Veteran’s Administration (VA) are directed each year to choose the amount of tuition and fees they will contribute. Drake will contribute 50% to the tuition and fees not covered by Chapter 33 benefits, the maximum contribution amount under the Yellow Ribbon program. The VA matches Drake’s Yellow Ribbon contribution, therefore, 100% of the tuition and mandatory fees will be covered. Students funded under the Yellow Ribbon Program cannot receive Drake awards for room, board, books, or other expenses. However, the Post-9/11 GI Bill® pays stipends directly to students for housing and book expenses.
Drake Yellow Ribbon Eligibility Guidelines
Also, participating institutions must elect, yearly, the maximum number of eligible individuals for their institution for the upcoming academic year which Drake does each year. The Drake Yellow Ribbon list is filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. Any student who has not registered for the next term will be removed from the Drake Yellow Ribbon list for that term. Note: Once a term has been completed, certification and benefits may not be available.
Students on the Drake Yellow Ribbon list will be confirmed after March 1 of each year.
Prior to becoming eligible for the Drake Yellow Ribbon list, a student must complete the following:
- Admission to a Drake degree program of study.
- Direct contact made in writing (email accepted) to the School Certifying Official at
- Provide the School Certifying Official at with a copy of the Veteran's Certificate of Eligibility (COE) letter which lists the award percentage of 100%.
Important: Students who have not registered for the next term may be removed from the Drake Yellow Ribbon list.
Benefits & Resources
A variety of programs are available for veterans' educational benefits. To learn about eligibility for these benefits please visit or contact the Veterans Administration Regional Office, P.O. Box 66830, St. Louis, MO, 63166-6830 (1-888-442-4551).
Financial Aid: Veterans and their dependents/spouses can also apply for Financial aid, which may allow them to receive need-based grant funds in addition to their VA Benefits.
Veteran's Benefit Programs:
Chapter 30: Montgomery G.I. Bill®
The Chapter 30: Montgomery G.I. Bill® should be used by veterans or service members who have at least two years of active duty.
Disclaimer: "GI Bill®” is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website.
Chapter 31: Veteran Readiness and Employment
The Chapter 31: Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) should be used by disabled veterans or veterans that have received a discharge for something other than dishonorable.
Chapter 33: Post 9/11 G.I. Bill®
The Chapter 33: Post 9/11 G.I. Bill® should be used by Veterans who served after September 2001.
Chapter 1606: Selective Reserve G.I. Bill®
The Chapter 1606: Selective Reserve G.I. Bill® should be used by Guard & Reserve Veterans.
Dependents and/or Spouse Benefit Programs:
Chapter 33: Post 9/11 G.I. Bill®
Chapter 33: Post 9/11 G.I. Bill® should be used by children or spouses of individuals who transferred benefits after September 11, 2009.
Chapter 35: Dependents Educational Assistance
Chapter 35: Dependents Educational Assistance should be used by children or spouses of individuals who have a 100% disability rating from the VBA.
Resources for Veterans:
General Resources
America's Debt Help Organization
Discover what career is right for you.
The College Navigator
A consumer tool that provides school information to include tuition and fees, retention and graduation rates, use of financial aid, student loan default rates and features a cost calculator and school comparison tool.
The College Scorecard
A planning tool and resource to assist prospective students and their families as they evaluate options in selecting a school.
The Financial Aid Shopping Sheet
A model aid award letter designed to simplify the information that prospective students receive about costs and financial aid so they can easily compare institutions and make informed decisions about where to attend school.
Jobs and Resources for Veterans
The "Paying for College" webpage
Can be used by prospective students to enter the names of up to three school and receive detailed financial information on each one and to enter actual financial aid award information.
Veteran Organizations
How do I get started?
Students who intend to receive VA education benefits should contact our VA Advisor/School Certifiying Official at or 515-271-2025.
The following steps must be completed prior to a student receiving GI Bill® educational benefits for Drake courses:
- Students must apply and be admitted to a Drake University program of study.
- Fill out the required forms on the web page. Students must apply for education benefits if they have never received benefits before. If education benefits have been used previous to the student’s Drake enrollment, complete the Change of Place of Training form (Form 22-1995).
- Contact the School Certifying Official at
To continue receiving aid:
Students are responsible for notifying School Certifying Official (SCO) of their enrollment plans each semester or summer term at Drake. All students receiving VA benefits have the responsibility to notify the SCO of any changes in credit hours enrolled once the semester begins. Failure to notify the SCO may result in incorrect payment for which the veteran will be held liable.
Your role as a student
Note: Most VA students at Drake meet the conditions for “satisfactorily pursuing” a program of study for receiving VA benefits by meeting the Drake University general catalog requirements. However, a few VA requirements are more stringent than the Drake University general catalog requirements and are listed as follows:
- Regular attendance: All VA students must be in regular attendance of all classes for which they are registered. Drake University may periodically make attendance spot-checks through the instructors.
- Unsatisfactory progress: The University must notify the Veterans Administration that a student has made unsatisfactory progress if the student (1) fails or withdraws from all classes or (2) is suspended by the University. Education benefits are terminated when a student makes unsatisfactory progress.
- Classes not completed: Unless there are extenuating circumstances, all VA students do not receive benefits for any portion of a class dropped after the 10-day add/drop period or for classes in which incomplete (delayed) grades are received and not resolved within one year.
- Satisfactory Academic Progress: Your VA Benefits will also be contingent on Drake's Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy. For more information regarding this policy, please click here.
Because of these more stringent requirements, the VA student should check carefully if contemplating repeating a course, withdrawing from the University, dropping a class, electing to take a delayed grade or interrupting class attendance.
Drake's role in supporting Veterans' education
Drake University is a member of Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC), a consortium of more than 1,300 institutions pledged to be reasonable in working with service members and veterans who are trying to earn degrees while pursuing demanding, transient careers.
As a SOC member, Drake is committed to easing the transfer of relevant course credits, providing flexible academic residency requirements, and crediting learning from appropriate military training and work experiences. SOC is sponsored by 15 national higher education associations along with the military services, the National Guard Bureau, and the Office of the Secretary of Defense serving as cooperating agencies.
Students who intend to receive VA education benefits should contact the VA Student Advisor/School Certifying Official.
Drake University
Carnegie 101
2507 University Ave
Des Moines, IA 50311-4516
Phone: (515) 271-2025
Admission assistance
Please contact the Drake University Admission Office.
Admission Office
Drake University
Cole Hall
2509 University Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50311
Phone: 515-271-3181
Financial Aid questions
Please note that Veterans and their dependents/spouses can also apply for Financial aid, which may allow them to receive need-based grant funds in addition to their VA Benefits. For additional help with financial aid questions please contact the Financial Aid Office.
Financial Aid
Drake University
Carnegie Hall
2511 University Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50311-4505
Phone: 515-271-2905; 1-800-44-DRAKE (Option 3)
Commendations and Complaints
Drake University School Certifying Official is committed to providing quality service for students, families, and colleagues. Should you have a commendation or a complaint, the following action is recommended:
Commendations: Have you told someone how much you appreciate the help you have received, and it still doesn't feel like you've done enough? While a simple “thank you” is always appreciated, you may wish to pursue more formal recognition. If you would like the person to receive official recognition for a job well done, please contact Melissa Sturm-Smith at Your commendation will be appreciated and added to the individual's file.
Complaints: In general, a complaint is defined as a concern that a policy or procedure has been incorrectly or unfairly applied, or that inappropriate behavior or action has occurred. For a complaint, first, discuss the problem with the staff member with which the issue originated. If you would like the complaint to move forward following this discussion, please contact the person's immediate supervisor. For complaints related to the School Certifying Official, a final discussion with Associate Provost Sturm-Smith regarding the complaint may be requested. Please call 271-3751 or e-mail for an appointment. Once these steps have been taken, a formal complaint may also be recorded at the Drake University Student Complaint and Appeal Resources and Procedures Site.
Refund Policy for students who are called to Active Duty
Drake University salutes students who are called to military active duty for their commitment to serve our nation. We recognize that students may be called to service during a semester for which they are registered. To that end, we strive to make this transition as smooth as possible.